Oh my, we have been so busy having fun at Harbor Summer Camp it’s been awhile since our last update! Here is what we have been up to the last few weeks!
Week 6 was our Nature Explorers week. Our adventures took us to Pheasant Branch Conservancy several times where we saw fish, frogs, plants and even a muskrat! The group was not afraid to get their feet wet. Our exploration took us on TWO field trips this week to Olbrich Gardens and Governor Nelson state park. Olbrich Gardens definitely lived up to its reputation as one of Madison’s most beautiful places. The Gardens were beautiful and full of pollinators. We went into the conservatory were we saw quails, bananas, dumbcanes (the campers really liked saying that plant), and so many large leafy plants. At Governor Nelson, we walked the paths and trails and enjoyed our morning snack and lunch at the park. Unfortunately, the blue algae shut down the beach so we didn’t get to swim. The kids still had high spirits and the weather couldn’t have been better.
Week 7 was Camp Harbor theme! We welcomed a whole new group of campers this week which meant we got to tie dye again! Everyone’s tie dye turned out great and was unique and bright in its own way. This weeks field trip took us to Palace Cinema to watch the new Space Jam movie- which was perfect timing after the Milwaukee Bucks won their first NBA Championship since 1971 the night before!! The campers loved eating popcorn and reclining in the heated seats. This week we also took advantage of our close proximity to the Pheasant Branch Conservancy, where we fished for minnows, caught frogs and explored the outdoors. John taught us camping safety and how to build a tent! This was a great learning experience for all of us!